Emily Switzer

Strength training has been my anchor through life’s ups and downs. And the benefits from strength training went beyond physical improvements and positive changes to my overall health. My mental health improved tremendously as well. As I grew stronger and increased the amount of weight I could lift in the gym, I also increased my self-esteem. Where I was once insecure, I became more confident. Instead of criticizing myself every time I looked in the mirror, I became proud of the body and person staring back at me.

My journey to that point was not easy. I was in fifth grade when I moved to California. It was a tough transition and difficult time for me. I isolated myself, which brought on deep sadness. I was unmotivated to do anything. I realized I didn’t want to experience external happiness, because internally I was struggling. As I look back, I realize how common these feelings are for teenage girls.

During this time I came across the saying, “I refuse to sink.” The anchor became a symbol of hope and strength through every storm in life. With every challenge, we have the opportunity to grow and gain strength. This sparked something deep within me. I realized I had a choice. I could stay in that dark place and be unhappy or I could push through. I chose not to give up. I refused to sink.

Now whenever I face something which feels too hard to handle and I start to doubt my capabilities, I return to the anchor. I remind myself that no matter what is going on, the anchor grounds me.

The anchor quickly became a symbol of hope and strength. It reminds us to not let the struggles we face get in the way of our goals. With every challenge, we have the opportunity to grow and gain strength.